Published in Writing Magazine, The Aerial Perpective, and Raw Lit Mag among others. 4th placed writer in the 2023 NYC Midnight 100-word contest.
I've been writing for as long as I can remember but decided to finally share my writings with the world in 2020.
I write and produce a weekly podcast called the "Finding North Podcast", which can be found on this website as well as all major podcast platforms.
My first book, "Which Way is North?" is a collection of 15 mixed genre short stories and is available to purchase in both paperback and Kindle forms. See the shop page for more information.
My other books are:
"Dreams of a Damselfly", a contemporary novel about a young English teacher who is diagnosed with cancer but chooses to pursue her dream of singing in a band.
"Joy's Lament", a sci-fi/fantasy story about a universe in which joy has slowly been vanishing. A young woman with a mysterious ability to see the past, sets out to find the source of this pandemic of grief and put an end to it.
You can read about my books and buy them on my Amazon author's page.